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I tried the game and it is pretty neat. I like the gameplay loop of choosing an ability and then killing monsters and getting buffs. The gameplay is quite simple which is nice for a casual player. There are some things that can be improved. For example would be polish. When I attack an enemy, I can only tell if they took damage from their health bars which makes sense. However, something you can add to make it feel better would be a hit indicator like a hit spark or the enemy flashing white when hit. You could also add a hit sound effect because there does not seem to be any. Also something I hope can be changed or improved would be the dash mechanic. I feel like I did not utilise it a lot. I feel as if its not used as a dodge mechanic but more of movement? It's  kind of difficult to understand. Other than that, it is pretty fun.


sorry for late reply but thank you for the feedback!