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Don't Stop the Party

"Don't Stop the Party" is a 4-player fighter to control paradise on Earth! · By UOWM Game Development, 96LIONS, AdamKip, Avalon Systems, Make with Friends


Recent updates

DSTP is in the Just Keep SWIM-ming Bundle!
Hey everyone! Don't Stop the Party is excited to be part of the "Just Keep SWIM-ming" co-op bundle, a free bundle of Southeast Asian-made games! Check out 10+ t...
Don't Stop the Party "Cutting Room Floor 1.0" Update Changelog
New update, new devlog. Let's do it! - Music can cycle/change in the main game mode. More tracks to be added. - Buffed everyone's health, buffed their normal at...
Don't Stop the Party is going to an event near you! (MYDCF + PAX Aus)
GREETINGS FROM AVALON!!! It's been awhile, hasn't it? Did you miss us? Because we surely missed you! "Don't Stop the Party" and the development team have achiev...
We are nominated for the SEA Game Awards!
Don't Stop The Party! has been nominated for the SEA Games Awards! We are very delighted to announce this and hope you guys will come and help vote for our game...
We were featured in an IGN article!
Hey there! We were recently featured in an IGN article talking about best 40 games southeast asia has to offer in 2020! We are honored by this article and hope...
Return to Paradise!
Greetings from paradise! We at Avalon Systems just realized - we didn't properly thank everyone for checking out our game, Don't Stop the Party, during the SCC...

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